Turvatakseen kilpailukykynsä Suomi panostaa innovatiivisuuteen. Nyt myös Kiina on julistanut pyrkivänsä innovaatiotoiminnan mahtimaaksi. Pitäisikö tätä pelätä? Johan Wallin ja Jun Su osoittavat, että Kiinan kasvu voi olla mahdollisuus Suomelle. Kirja näyttää myös käytännöllisin esimerkein, miten tässä uudessa tilanteessa tulisi toimia.
The financial crisis transformed the global innovation landscape. Governments have started to adopt more aggressive industrial policies and work together with corporations and research centers to address grand challenge problems. New innovative capability networks are evolving to create superior value for customers and society.
China and Finland are two countries in the forefront of this transformation. Each country has a different point of departure. When looking into how they are now moving ahead, many similarities can be seen. They emphasize networks, invest in infrastructures, and put education on the top of the innovation agenda. But due their differences, they also show complementarities. By learning from these countries, their governments and leading corporations, corporate leaders and government officials can uncover hidden potentials and take advantage of new opportunities for true innovation.