CD / Album
1. Bounty Hunter
2. Rawhide Kid
3. Tribute to Donald Quarrie
4. High Noon
5. The Great Escape
6. Walls of Jericho
7. Wicked and Dreadful
8. Revenge
9. I Shot the President
10. State of Emergency
11. Ten Commandments
12. Majestic Dub
13. Social Justice
14. Kings of Dub
15. Edward the Eighth
16. International Treaty
17. Martial Law
18. Nations of Dub
19. Embargo
20. The Day After
21. Long Distance Affair
22. Full Moon Ikky
23. Ladies' Night Out
24. Chapter Five
25. Bad Verdict
26. Military Intervention
27. Campus Flashback
28. Syncopation
29. Free Ticket to Ride
30. Earthscan
31. Flirting in Space
32. Space Invaders
33. Nighthawk
34. Laser Eyes
35. Flight to Nowhere