Principles and Practice of Marketing has long been recognised as providing an authoritative and comprehensive introduction to the study of marketing. This third edition of the best selling introductory marketing textbook has been fully revised, retaining the rigour, clarity and readable style that has helped to make it so successful. The new edition features a brand new chapter on the Internet and Online Marketing, bringing the text fully up-to-date with recent developments in e-commerce. Students are provided with numerous examples, new contemporary cases and questions, and the addition of Internet Exercises in each chapter allows students to explore marketing in more detail over the web. There is also expanded coverage of marketing ethics and relationship marketing integrated throughout the book. The new edition will be supported with an Online Learning Centre website, providing lecturers and students with a comprehensive range of downloadable teaching and learning materials to accompany the book. This will include extra case material from the UK, Eire and Europe, self-test questions, lecture and revision notes, weblinks and more.