BTEC Applied Human Biology Student Book with ActiveBook is a comprehensive course companion for students studying the BTEC Applied Human Biology course. The book covers all eight units and is designed for post-16 learners wishing to progress to higher education, and ultimately employment, possibly in the health sector.
BTEC Applied Human Biology Student Book, along with the online ActiveBook, is a comprehensive course companion for students studying for the BTEC Applied Human Biology diploma or certificate. The book covers all eight units, including Human Biology and Health Issue, Genetics and Genetic Engineering and Biomedical Science. The student book is packed with features the enhance the learning experience, such as key terms, case studies and assessment activities. Furthermore, learners are supported by such features as reflection, discussion and research activities. Practical tasks are presented as illustrated step-by-step work-throughs which provide detailed explanations in a clear and accessible way. The ActiveBook is an online resource that presents the contents of the student book in digital form that learners can access on multiple devices.