Early childhood professionals—learn the nuts and bolts of activity-based intervention (ABI), the trusted, child-directed approach for young children birth to 5. With the fourth edition of this classic textbook and professional guide—now expanded by 30%!—you'll discover how to embed learning opportunities in everyday activities to help children acquire and generalize functional skills and reach their developmental goals. You'll get a comprehensive introduction to the benefits, challenges, and foundations of ABI, and you'll find in-depth guidance on how to apply this popular approach with children in center- and home-based programs. Case stories, examples, and sample forms throughout clarify important points and procedures. Updated with practical new information on ABI training, implementation, and more, this book is a keystone of professional preparation for early interventionists and special educators.
Implement ABI in multiple settings with diverse groups of young children, including kids with disabilities and those at risk
Create multiple and varied learning opportunities within young children's natural routines and interactions
Seamlessly link screening, assessment, goal development, intervention, and evaluation
Develop individualized IFSP and IEP goals
Observe children before and after intervention to determine next steps
Understand and address the challenges of establishing evidence-based practices
Work as a team with other professionals and families
New chapters on conducting high-quality child observations, applying ABI in centers and in homes, and using ABI with children who have significant disabilities
Expanded information on key topics, including training paraprofessionals on ABI and keeping families involved
Updated course companion website with PowerPoint slides, study questions, and application activities