NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringNutrition does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MasteringNutrition search for ISBN-10: 0134043227/ISBN-13: 9780134043227 . That package includes ISBN-10: 0134039424//ISBN-13: 9780134039428 and ISBN-10: 0133997456/ISBN-13: 9780133997453.For introductory nutrition courses.
A clear and personal approach to nutrition
Teaching 21 chapters in a 16 week course can be a challenge. Do you often find that you can’t cover the last few chapters of your text? With Blake, Nutrition: From Science to You, Brief Edition, you now have the perfect table of contents that meets your course goals. With an emphasis on the major topics, the Brief Edition provides the same level of coverage as the longer text, with the last 5 chapters of the text (e.g. lifecycle nutrition, food safety, and hunger) available as online eChapters at no additional charge within MasteringNutrition with MyDietAnalysis.
Superior support beyond the classroom with MasteringNutrition.
MasteringNutrition is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts. Students benefit from self-paced tutorials that feature immediate wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience to help keep students on track. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain challenging course concepts.