The MasteringNutrition online homework, tutorial, and assessment system delivers self-paced tutorials and activities that provide individualized coaching, focus on your course objectives, and are responsive to each student’s progress. The Mastering system helps instructors maximize class time with customizable, easy-to-assign, and automatically graded assessments that motivate students to learn outside of class and arrive prepared for lecture. Learn more at
Focus Figure Coaching Activities guide students through key nutrition concepts with interactive mini-lessons.
MyDietAnalysis Case Study Coaching Activities provide students with hands-on diet analysis practice that can also be automatically graded.
Reading Quizzes (20 questions per chapter) ensure that students have completed the assigned reading before class.
28 ABC News Videos bring nutrition to life and spark discussion with up to date hot topics that occur in the nutrition field and include multiple choice questions that provide wrong-answer feedback to redirect students to the correct answer.
40 animations explain big picture concepts that help students learn the hardest topics in nutrition. These animations have questions that provide wrong-answer feedback that address students’ common misconceptions.
NutriTools Coaching Activities allow students to combine and experiment with different food options and learn firsthand how to build healthier meals.
MP3s relate to chapter content and come with multiple choice questions that provide wrong-answer feedback.
Access to Get Ready to Nutrition gives students extra math and chemistry study assistance.
The study area is broken down into learning areas and includes videos, animations, MP3s, and much more.