This book offers a collection of stories from Christian communities, as reported to consultations on healing ministries held in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Faith healing and spiritual cures have formed a part of Christian ministry from the time of Jesus. Yet to many, these practices smack of magic, mysticism and irrational beliefs that seem deeply alien to Western patterns of religion. Conversely, these Western patterns strike some Christians in other parts of the world as the dry fruits of aging, shrinking churches that are losing contact with the living source of healing power. It is in the midst of this tension that the worlds greatest contemporary pandemic, HIV/AIDS, is challenging all the churches and changing concepts of what healing ministry means. The call to healing is also a call for change in the relationship of Christians and their churches to others around them, and to the world itself. Positive responses to this calling offer potential for life-transforming empowerment in the lives of individuals and in the life of the world.