A detailed yet accessible explanation of Apple's Mac computers and OS for novice owners and users based on the PC-oriented book Brilliant Computer Basics.
The release of Mac OSX Leopard, with its revolutionary new Boot camp software that allows both Windows and Mac OSX to be run on the Mac simultaneously is widely expected to increase the presence and popularity of the Mac in the Home PC market. This is already growing with the increase in popluarity of digital photography and image processing, and digital music downloading for the ipod, for which the mac is seen as being the optimum choice. With this growth the number of fisrt time users of macs is increasing and this book with give the novice user getting a mac as a home computer, or migratng from a Windows Pc, a huge head-start in understanding how to use and maintain their mac, and to become familiar with the OS and applications.
The book assumes nothing on the part of readers though some tasks are explained in context for those migrating from Windows. The book provides a basic armoury of skills necessary to use the Mac confidently, efficiently and productively straight from the box.
Brilliant series features:
- Brilliant guides provide the quick, easy-to-access information that you need
- Detailed index and troubleshooting guide to help you find exactly what you need to know
- Each task is presented on one or two pages
- Numbered steps guide you through each task or problem
- Numerous screenshots illustrate each step
- See Also
boxes point you to related tasks and information in the book
- Did you know ?... sections alert you to relevant expert tips, tricks and advice