Aims to provide information that students need to complete their chosen iPRO Pathway of ICT Systems Support. This book offers both the mandatory units and three optional units.
The only books written to specifically match the new iPRO Certificate for IT Practitioners. Students have a choice of two textbooks which directly map the two course paths of the award. Each book offers all the mandatory units and one optional unit - making the books the only resource needed at exactly the right level. Offers comprehensive coverage of the essential units in each path to give students everything they need for this qualification. Written in a clear and accessible style with both student needs and the iPRO assessment in mind. Encourages students to gain a good understanding of the ICT industry and develop practical ICT skills. ICT Systems Support Level 2 1. Maintaining equipment & IT systems 2. Providing customer support 3. Installing hardware/equipment & systems 4. Installing & maintaining applications & systems testing