The Legend of Lion Man Lives Again
In 1947, Orrin C. Evans created one of the world's first Black superheroes--Lion Man! Appearing in the only issue of All Negro Comics, superhero history was forever changed. And now Lion Man is back!
Readapted and remixed for modern times, the award-winning visionary team of John Jennings and David Brame (After the Rain) create a mind-blowing Afrofuturistic tale of cosmic splendor while Bill Campbell (The Day the Klan Came to Town) and up-and-coming Zimbabwean writer, Yvette Lisa Ndlovu (Drinking from Graveyard Wells) deliver a Bondian African spy thriller full of plot twists, conspiracy thriillers, and political intrigue.
In The Adventures of Lion Man, our hero steps bravely out of the past into a bold new future.
Visual artist(s): David Brame