If you are a beginning to intermediate Mac user who isn't afraid to take charge of his or her own learning experience, you can't miss with Teach Yourself the iMac. Presented in a straightforward, easy-to-follow manner, the book helps you answer your questions and make the most of your learning experience:
? Explore iMac basics, from identifying its components to plugging in and setting up your machine.
? Customize your iMac by setting general controls and making the most of your Apple menu.
? Create, name, move, and copy folders and files.
? Use discs and drives that expand the features and capabilities of your iMac.
? Work with text tools to manage, create, and print documents.
? Organize numbers and figures with databases and spreadsheets.
? Use sound, video, and QuickTime to add color and personality to everything you do on your iMac.
? Connect to the world with a modem, surf the Web, and send and receive e-mail.
? Network with other computers, or tie into an existing network.
? Manage memory, and see how to troubleshoot problems when they arise.