Winterborn, a piece born during winter 2008, is composer Jennah Vainio's miniature symphony that as an experience exceeds its size of 10 players (wind quintet, string quartet and double bass) and length of 12 minutes. Vainio's instinct for musical dramaturgy is flawless. From the very first notes, it is clear that things are not only here and now - a far-reaching melody plan is being put into place.
Jennah Vainio (born 1972) studied composition at the Helsinki University and at the Sibelius Academy. She has also participated in master courses by Magnus Lindberg, Jouni Kaipainen, Brian Ferneyhough, Olli Kortekangas and Sven-David Sandström. As a composer, Vainio feels that it is important to be versatile stylistically. Besides classical music she is known for her passion for metal and its sub genres. A guitarist herself, her first influences included the neoclassical metal guitarists Yngwie Malmsteen and Jason Becker.
Jennah Vainion Winterborn kamariorkesterille (2008) kuljettaa lumimyrskyn läpi kohti taivaankannen tähtiä. 12-minuuttinen, puhallinkvintetille, jousikvartetille ja kontrabassolle sävelletty teos jännittää musiikkidramaturgisen kaaren singoten matkaan raskaampaan rockiin assoisioituvia riffejä ja skaalapyörteitä.