This is a collection of the most memorable quotes on money, wealth, investment, and business success, from a wide variety of sources, including: Legendary investors: Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Jim Slater; Old-time billionaires: John D. Rockefeller, J. Paul Getty, Andrew Carnegie; Big swinging dicks: Bill Gates, Chris Gent, Allan Leighton; Entrepreneurs: Sam Walton, Ray Kroc, Jeff Bezos; Wits: H.L. Mencken, Oscar Wilde and Dorothy Parker Comedians: Woody Allen, Steve Martin and Stephen Fry; Bankers and economists: Milton Friedman, J.K. Galbraith, John Maynard Keynes; Statesmen: Napoleon, Churchill, Thatcher; Rogues: Robert Maxwell, Ivan Boesky, Al Capone; Philosophers: Hegel, Goethe, Aristotle; and many more! Ordered by subject, with a comprehensive index, this book contains sharp insights, witty one-liners, and thoughtful observations of the highest calibre. Whether you want something fun to dip into, or you want to pepper your conversation and writing with apercus which will have your audience gasping in admiration, this is the source.