Volume three of a three volume set. (This description is for all volumes.) No more important contribution to the story of pioneer electrical develoment could have been made than the intimate day-by-day details that Mr. Jehl set down in book form, at the suggestion of Mr. Henry Ford. Edison referred to Jehl as "one of my old associates and fellow-workers." "With the restoration of the original Menlo Park laboratory in Greenfield Village, Dearborn, the memories of those Menlo Park days have been recalled and placed on record in these 'Reminiscences.' These books complete Mr. Jehl's intimate and true story of Edison at the greatest period of his career, those years at Menlo Park whose brilliant exploits gave to the world the Edison universally honored today. The 'Reminiscences' also include a list of the men who assisted in that great work at Menlo Park. With hundreds of rare photographs, this 3 volume set is historically fascinating, scientifically stimulating, and metaphysically enlightening as you read how Edison conceived the idea of inventions and how he brought them into material existence.