Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. Excerpt from book: Section 3any Rofe Diamond is made after this manner, it will, according to the degree in which it is thus defe and ive, be injured in its fhape, fpirit, and luftre; and therefore is not to be valued by its weight, but only as it agrees in fize with any in the lift; for the fame rea- fons as are given in the like cafe of Brilliants. textit{Of the Method of manufaEiuring and valuing Spread Rose Diamonds. THE next thing to be regarded, is the manner of making, and valuing, mz/ textit{Rofe Diamonds. As to the manner of making them; what is neceffary to be obferved, is, that their crowns muft be of fuch an extent, and placedplaced in fuch a fituation, as to prevent any difproportionate flatnefs in the crown, and unequal divifion of the lozenges: And, that they be made as thin at the girdle as is confident with fafety in fetting them. This is all that is neceffary to be obferved on that head. As to valuing them; the fame method is to be obferved, as in the cafe of fpread Brilliants in all refpecls. textit{Notej This article of textit{makingfpread Rofe Diamonds, is as neceflary to the fame ends and purpofes, as the manufacture of textit{fpreadBrilliants; inafmuch as they occupy thinner matter than Brilliants can. From what has been faid of Rofe Diamonds, it feems evident, taking in all circumftances, that they deferve as much efteem and regard as Brilliants, and are intitled, weight for weight, to an equal value: Some per- fons fons with us, and thofe of great reputation for knowledge in Diamonds, prefer the former to the latter; but, although this be the opinion of particular perfons, it feems no better grounded than that of others, in giving Brilliants the preference; for the fame confequence muft follow from thence to the poffeffors of Brilliants, as has been mentioned concerning the poffeffors o...