This chapter-by-chapter learning aid helps students learn financial accounting while getting the maximum benefit from study time. Animated Demo Docs are available on the accompanying study guide CD in Flash® so students can easily refer to them when they need them. Electronic working papers are included on the accompanying CD.
Understanding financial accounting as the language of business.
Once students see that accounting is the language of business, they are on their way to academic and professional success. Author Jeffery Waybright’s new text,
Financial Accounting. in combination with MyAccountingLab–Pearson’s market-leading, online software that offers unlimited practice and immediate feedback–translates the essentials of accounting to students so they understand why and when financially-sound decisions are made in business today. Providing students the opportunity for more “I Get It!” moments,
Financial Accounting and MyAccountingLab work together to solidify students’ understanding of the language of business, helping them on their way to success.