Korvaava tuote: 9780321681720 Explorations in Conceptual Chemistry: A Student Activity Manual offers 28 class-tested activities designed to engage students while developing the conceptual understanding of the chemistry content you want them to learn.
This manual builds scientific literacy, inquiry and observational skills, academic language, communication skills, classroom participation, and a foundation for a lifetime of learning. Sample topics include: the states of matter, phase changes, the periodic table, atomic structure, lewis dot structures, intermolecular forces, polymers, naming compounds, chemical reactions, kinetics, and electrochemistry.
Explorations in Conceptual Chemistry uses a guided inquiry approach to help students with varied learning styles achieve an in-depth understanding of the observations they are making and the content they are learning. By explicitly addressing chemistry content on macroscopic, submicroscopic and symbolic levels students avoid many of the common problems found when first learning chemistry. Collaborative learning and peer teaching frameworks are built into many of the activities.