Some of the world's most beautiful, intelligent, and highly adapted mammals inhabit our seas and oceans and have stirred the human imagination for many centuries. As our knowledge of marine mammals grows, the need exists for a reliable and complete reference to the ecology and biology of these fascinating creatures. To address this need, the Handbook of Marine Mammals series has been founded. Scientists, conservationists, and informed laypersons alike will be able to find definitive reviews of all the world's living whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, sea cows, and marine otters and bears. Seven volumes cover all the living species of marine mammals.
This second volume in the series, Oceanic Dolphins, consists of species review chapters written by leading global experts on offshore/oceanic marine dolphin species. Each chapter includes a description of the species, followed by sections on distribution and abundance, anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology, reproduction, parasites and diseases, and the impacts of human activities on the species.
- Provides in-depth reviews of Stenella dolphin species, common dolphins, killer whales, pilot whales, and other dolphins found in more offshore waters (note that despite their common names, these are ALL true dolphins)
- Addresses the evolution, anatomy, ecology, distribution, and behavior of these marine mammal species
- Features numerous photos of live and specimen animals, skulls, and anatomical details, plus distribution maps