This book is the third book of Jeanette Ljungars, speaker, author and leadership coach/trainer. Leadership is a great advantage, you get to build wonderful relationships and move people forward. You get to think larger, further, deeper than you've ever done in order to see possibilities before they can be seen on the radar screen and you get to develop a great sixth, (seventh, eight. . ) sense, so that you can predict what's to come and move away obstructions. You go before to make a way for those following and when the road is clear you let them go. Leadership today requires more than ever before. That's because for one thing the world is changing fast and the leaders have to be those trying to predict, adjust and be the safe rock everybody can trust during all circumstances, and for the other thing people are now more aware, the people you lead require of you that you have more than a title. You will have to show result to prove yourself worthy as a leader. And this book will help you become an excellent leader. There are 16 strategies and qualities that you need for todays excellent leadership - here they are!!