The book will provide you with the basics of the Kalevala, in a nutshell what you need to know about the most widely translated work of Finnish literature? How does the Kalevala relate to other epics of the world? A synopsis of the poems and an introduction to the main characters as well as to the main themes of the epic are included. The book will give you the facts about the work of Elias Lönnrot, and explain the Kalevala metre. It will give you insight to the relationship between the Kalevala and the oral singing culture, on which the Kalevala is based. Kalevala-inspired music, art, literature and drama are introduced. The book is illustrated.
Kalevala Guide kertoo pähkinänkuoressa keskeiset asiat Kalevalasta, Suomen kirjallisuuden käännetyimmästä merkkiteoksesta. Kirja johdattaa eepoksen juonenkulkuun ja keskeisiin hahmoihin, paikkoihin sekä sen teemoihin ja maailmankuvaan. Niin ikään opas luo katsauksen niin Elias Lönnrotin työhön, kalevalamittaiseen runouteen, Kalevalan inspiroimaan taiteeseen kuin Kalevan paikkaan maailman muiden eeposten joukossa.
Teos on tehty yhteistyössä Kalevalaseuran kanssa.
The book will provide you with the basics of the Kalevala, in a nutshell what you need to know about the most widely translated work of Finnish literature? How does the Kalevala relate to other epics of the world? A synopsis of the poems and an introduction to the main characters as well as to the main themes of the epic are included. The book will give you the facts about the work of Elias Lönnrot, and explain the Kalevala metre. It will give you insight to the relationship between the Kalevala and the oral singing culture, on which the Kalevala is based. Kalevala-inspired music, art, literature and drama are introduced.
The book is illustrated.