Old is the new young! Grey is the new black! Sagalouts are the new lager-louts! This sparkling collection of wrinklies' wit and wisdom explodes the old stereotypes of knitting grannies and doddering grandpas. Today's golden girls and silver studs are more likely to take inspiration from age-defying stars like Joan Collins, Bruce Forsyth and Mick Jagger: they're growing old disgracefully, living life to the full, taking on new challenges and keeping a sense of humour. If laughter is the best medicine, consider this your prescription for a long and happy life. He who laughs, lasts.It's all in here: life, love, the universe, and Viagra. Coffin-dodgers will find lots of laughs, inspiration and "Yes, that's me!" moments, and those who are still some way off the free bus-pass can pick up lots of valuable tips on how to cope when the inevitable happens. Because as Maurice Chevalier said, "Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative."