In 1990, Mexico's Ministry of Agriculture and CEPAL conducted an extensive nationwide survey of the ejido sector, giving a detailed picture of the household-level implications of the ancien regime of state controls, economic subsidies, and institutional support through specialized parastatal firms. To assess the impact of the 1990 rural reforms, Mexico's Ministry of Agrarian Reform and the University of California, Berkeley conducted a follow-up survey on a subset of the ejidos covered in 1990. This book provides a detailed quantitative characterization of the household and community responses to the reforms already in progress. De Janvry, Gordillo, and Sadoulet present and analyze data from two nationwide surveys of Mexican ejidos conducted in 1990 and 1994. Ninety-five tables and figures accompany the text's rich analytical descriptions of conditions in Mexican ejidal households in 1990, prior to the reform of Article 27, and in 1994, soon after the new agrarian codes went into effect. The authors examine a wide range of factors that affect the viability of ejido production activities in a context marked by state withdrawal and market liberalization.