The Complete Primary Dictionary is a completely new dictionary containing over 75 000 words, definitions and examples. Aimed at pupils in Key Stage 2 and above, the dictionary uses easy and accessible language to define the different senses, phrases and idioms related to each entry. Great care has been taken to ensure that the dictionary defines all the senses of a word that are age-appropriate and that definitions include enough specific information for children to fully understand the meaning of the word. A wide range of special features, displayed in more than 3000 information panels, are provided to further enhance children's appreciation of the English language. These include explanations of letter shape origins, etymologies, similes, synonyms and antonyms, and cultural factors, as well as extra information on alternative spellings and word forms, different ways of using words, and grammar and punctuation.
A truly comprehensive resource, the dictionary not only covers all the vocabulary in the National Curriculum, but also includes new words such as 'selfie' and 'retweet', older words found in children's classics, and words and idioms relating to a wide variety of traditions and cultures, including common Americanisms.