Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children, 4/e
The most concise, readable pediatric nursing text for use in RN programs. Exceptionally user-friendly and up-to-date, it uses a unique body system approach rather than developmental stages, allowing faculty to teach pediatrics in integrated course or short course without redundancy. This approach also focuses students on nursing care. Features abundant four-color photos and drawings throughout, extensive marginal notes, chapter-opening vignettes and more plus a heavy emphasis on community nursing. This text details the core essentials of pediatric nursing practice while also providing the critical thinking skills necessary for future challenges.
Prentice Hall Real Nursing Skills: Pediatrics 3/CD Set, 1/e
Prentice Hall's Real Nursing Skills series offers students the complete foundation for competency in performing clinical nursing skills. The volumes in this series consist of CD-ROMs with comprehensive procedures and rationales demonstrated in hundreds of realistic video clips, animations, illustrations, and photographs. This is the only skills series designed to help students visualize how to perform clinical nursing skills and understanding the concepts and rationales for each skill.
Pediatric Nursing Care Plans, 2/e
Pediatric Care Plans is a comprehensive guide for preparing individualized care plans tailored to meet the special needs of the non-critical, hospitalized child. This book provides a quick reference for correlating pediatric medical diagnoses with nursing diagnoses, and serves as a supplement to any core pediatric nursing textbook.