The complete DiDA course from Edexcel.
Diploma in Digital Applications
Series Editors: Elaine Topping (a chief examiner)
Ann Weidmann (a qualifications leader)
This exciting new suite of resources brought to you from Edexcel has been developed and written by the team behind these new and essential ICT qualifications.
Whether your students are taking DiDA, CiDA or AiDA, Edexcels materials ensure they are thoroughly prepared.
They offer the most advanced blend of digital and printed materials to give your students the definitive preparation for producing their eportfolio for the final Summative Project Briefs.
Confidence in delivering this exciting new qualification
The expert author team includes principal moderators, ensuring an exact match and thorough coverage.
Assignments that are fit for audience and purpose
Enables students to demonstrate their knowledge, and become creative and confident users of digital applications, meeting students growing aspirations and expectations of ICT and how it will benefit them in and beyond education.
Authentic practice at preparing eportfolios
Clearly shows students how to build their eportfolios and maximise their marks, with project briefs that mirror the style of Edexcels final Summative Project Brief.
Facilitates whole-class teaching
Includes an extensive bank of interactive ICT resources (Digimodules), including presentations and video for whole-class teaching. The CD-ROMs also provide demonstrations, audio and activity files which can be used in a variety of applications and are accessed direct from the attention-grabbing real-life contexts presented in the ActiveBook pages (digital Students Books).
Supports the teaching of both Level 1 and Level 2
Ensuring students of all levels achieve the highest possible grades.