Indoor and outdoor activities for children aged 4-9 years. Ideal for one-off and topic-based activities – whatever the weather.
Children are fascinated by the weather and this book celebrates weather in all of its forms through a range of fun, child-centred play activities. Some of the activities are weather related, others provide a chance to be outdoors whenever possible and others indoors when need be.
The approach throughout is that children should be able to initiate and develop their own play so the book has been written so that Playworkers can organise the activities with children or children can read the book for themselves. All the activities have been successfully tried and tested with children aged 4-9 in various play settings and we have found that the activities often spark children’s imaginations to take the ideas further in their own way.
The activities in Whatever the Weather:
· are Fun
· fully illustrated
· describe what you need, how you can do it and where it can lead
· cover topics from water, the natural world and the weather to colours and co-operation
· contain practical tips and flag health and safety points
· provide opportunities for children to examine, explore, experiment and think
· include snapshots of how other groups have experienced the activity
· mostly require minimal planning and preparation
This book is part of the Can Do Series, an essential resource for all those who work with children aged 0-14 in out of school playsettings including
· childcare centres
· drop in centres
· after-school clubs
· playschemes or playbuses
· play centres
· family centers, or
· in the home