![Nursery World Awards](http://www.sagepub.com/repository/binaries/images/nurseryworld14.gif)
How we assess our youngest children is a vital part of early years practice. This book offers a clear explanation of the role of assessment in the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and step-by-step guidance for those working with children from Birth to Five on making and recording observations in practice.
Key elements of the book include:
- using assessment to support learning and development
- misunderstandings and myths about assessment
- detailed guidance on the age two progress check
- developing an evidence-based understanding of assessment
- what constitutes effective assessment in early years settings
- case studies and practical examples to illustrate key points.
Online material on the Early Excellence website for use with the book includes:
- video material
- free access to selected SAGE journal articles
- an 'ask the author' facility.
Jan Dubiel is National Development Co-ordinator for Early Excellence; he has extensive experience as a practitioner and national adviser.