Korvaava tuote: 9780205594276 Written by the leading authority in the field, the Seventh Edition of this classic text has been reorganized and updated to reflect current and emerging theory, research, and scholarship in the fields of ethnic studies and multicultural education.
Divided into five parts, the text emphasizes that the main goal of the multicultural curriculum should be to help students develop the ability to make reflective decisions so that they can, through thoughtful action, influence their personal, social, and civic worlds and help make them more democratic and just.
Part I presents a rationale for incorporating ethnic content into the mainstream curriculum. Goals and key concepts for the multicultural curriculum are also discussed. Parts II through IV contain chapters on the major ethnic groups in the United States: Native and African Americans, European Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian and Arab Americans.
The text is designed to help teachers conceptualize, design, and implement a democratic, thoughtful, and just curriculum that honors and reflects the experiences, hopes, and dreams of all Americans. It describes the knowledge, concepts, strategies, and resources that teachers need to implement a democratic curriculum by transforming the mainstream curriculum and incorporating content and concepts about diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural groups.