Written specifically for physical therapist assistants (PTAs), Introduction to Pathology for the Physical Therapist Assistant reviews pathologic states and conditions that every PTA must understand in order to effectively treat patients. Topics covered include pathology of children, adults, and the elderly as well as various forms of trauma, accidents, and disorders that may result in disability. Each chapter contains full-color figures, tables, and photographs that facilitate comprehension of the material presented. Each chapter also includes Review Questions and a list of key Online Resources. Useful appendices include Reference Laboratory Values, Normal Vital Signs, and a Temperature Conversion Chart.
Instructor Resources: Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint Presentations, Image Bank, and a Test Bank
Instructor's Manual-
Learning Objectives
Teaching Strategies
Discussion Topics
Answers to End of Chapter Questions
Test Bank with over 1,500 questions
Additional Case Studies that total over 50 pages
PowerPoint Slides
Sample Chapters
Each new textbook includes an online code to access the Student Resources available on the Companion Website. Online access may also be purchased separately.
*Please note: Electronic/eBook formats do not include access to the Companion Website.