The 11th Origeniana conference took place at Aarhus University, Denmark,
in August 2013. The theme of the conference was Origen and Origenism
in the History of Western Thought. The present volume contains a
large selection from the papers that were given at the conference. The
majority of the papers deals with various aspects of the influence and
reception of Origen and his thought and writings in Western traditions
to this day. As was the case also in previous conferences, there was an
opportunity to give papers on other aspects of current Origen research.
The volume contains seven sections: Origen's thought in modern theology
and philosophy; philological approaches to Origen's works; Origen's
thought in the West in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; Origen's
thought in the West until John Scotus Eriugena; Origen in Western
mysticism and liturgy; the reception of Origen in the East.