The heroes return to find that their sworn enemy, the efreeti prince Jhavhul, has inhabited the House of the Beast overlooking their home town from the heights of the woeful Pale Mountain. Their adopted village in ruins under the hateful watch of Jhavhul's genie soldiers, the PCs must strike out to free their people from oppression and to strike down Jhavhul before he can unleash a monstrous scourge upon the world! A 3.5 fantasy roleplaying adventure for levels 12-13. This volume of Pathfinder also includes a catalogue of the destructive Spawn of Rovagug, titanic creatures that have terrorized the world for centuries. Wolfgang Baur returns with a survey of genie magic, and a short "set piece" bonus adventure explores an assault on a genie lair. All this, new monsters and the sixth installment of "New York Times" best-seller Elaine Cunningham's Pathfinder Journal round out the final installment of the most exciting Adventure Path yet!