Plunkett's Almanac of Middle Market Companies is designed to be time-saving business development tool for professionals, marketers, sales directors, consultants and strategists seeking to understand and reach middle market American companies. It will also be of great use to placement, recruiting and human resources professionals, as well as professionals working in economic development, lending and media. It covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis -everything you need to identify and develop strategies for middle market corporations. Coverage includes all major business sectors, from InfoTech to health care to telecommunications and much more. (We have intentionally omitted retail companies and banks.) These profiles and details on over 500 middle market firms are pulled from our extensive company and industry databases. We also include a business glossary and a listing of business contacts, such as industry associations and government agencies. Next, we profile hundreds of leading middle market companies. Our company profiles include complete business descriptions and up to 27 executives by name and title. Purchasers of either the book or PDF version can receive a free copy of the company profiles database on CD-ROM, enabling key word search and export of key information, addresses, phone numbers and executive names with titles for every company profiled.