This book has been authored by a group of thirty highly experienced academics, with the goal of aligning its content with the current syllabi prescribed by the Veterinary Council of India. Moreover, we believe that it will also prove beneficial to postgraduate students of Poultry Science, as well as candidates preparing for JRF, SRF, ARS, and NET examinations.
In addition, this book has been prepared for students enrolled in the following courses: Poultry Production & Business Management (PPBM), B. Tech, B.Sc Poultry Science, and Poultry Science diploma programs. The title of the book is comprehensive and covers the latest information on the topics discussed.
A unique feature of this book is that each chapter concludes with a Question Bank and Answer key, which will enable students to assess their own progress and prepare for exams. Furthermore, the book includes high-quality photographs, figures, and illustrations to effectively convey the course material and subject matter. We hope that this book will prove to be a valuable resource for both students and teachers, scientists, and farmers alike.