Allen Queen and Bob Algozzine's Responsible Classroom Management, Grades 6-12 provides headteachers and teachers with a nationally tested schoolwide discipline plan that emphasizes a team approach to discipline and management and teaches students to solve problems, self-correct behaviour, and develop an internal locus of control. Rooted in humanist and cognitive psychology, the authors' practical model for Responsible Classroom Management (RCMPlan™) for middle and high school levels is specifically designed for adolescents at various stages of development. The RCMPlan uses three key principles to demonstrate how schools can use behavior support systems to promote good citizenship and develop responsible students who can live productively in a democratic and multicultural society:
- responsibility is taught and incorporated instructionally within a warm and inviting classroom
- standards, guidelines and expected behaviors replace rigid school and classroom rule
- consequences are used to teach students to self-correct inappropriate behaviors and assume responsibility for their actions.