Clinical Evidence engages the reader with discussions on the neurobiological and clinical aspects of emotions in the human voice. Newest information on production, perception and dysfunctions affecting these aspects of vocal emotions are presented. Fascinating brain studies on how our brain composes, stores, and retrieves vocal emotions as a factor of valence, age, and gender are presented. Discussion is linked to the concepts of social perception of evaluating vocal interactions in the presence or absence of visual input and across distances and situations. This volume shapes our understanding and comprehension of vocal emotions, and may help to explain some of the difficulties encountered between men and women. The reader will discover how the vocal production system in particular is dependent on the physiological parameters modulated by individual emotional state. The perceived emotional valence of being happy, sad, angry, or afraid is discussed in the gender context. Acoustic specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain is presented, and the role of the brain in regulating specific vocal emotions is reviewed.Vocalization patterns thought to help us in sexual behavior including mate choices and the role voice plays in our intimate behavior are discussed.
Clinical issues that affect production, perception and interaction of vocal emotions are presented and treatment solutions are presented.