The Dating Matrix is a 28 day comprehensive manual to approaching, initiating, attracting, dating, and creating romantic relationships with women you desire. Developed over 10 chapters or modules, the book details a step by step model of communication that provides a verbal and non verbal skill set that allows men the ability to accomplish both short term and long term relationship goals and create the dating they life they desire. The Dating Matrix provides a practical, step by step blueprint how to approach and open women, create attraction, develop rapport, date, and experience physical intimacy. Creating the proper frame from which to relate to women, inner game, developing a social circle, and a grooming, wardrobe, living space and auto needs analysis are just some of the concepts covered. In addition, the reader is provided email, SMS texting, and date dialogue transcripts taken from real life examples. An integral part of the book is the action steps/task lists found at the end of each chapter. The program is based on a 28 day calendar where each day requires the reader to complete a task or action step. The Dating Matrix offers a personal accountability record to track your results and progress as you work your way through the program. About the Author What began as an opportunity to help men transform their lives has turned into an international consultancy with clients in 7 countries. For over 8 years Eric Ivy has been a recognized leader and mentor to men searching to learn the skills necessary to create romantic relationships with women they desire. Eric's comprehensive program has helped men around the world shed their fear of approaching and initiating with women by breaking this process down and refining it into a series of simple and repeatable steps. The Dating Matrix program, born in part though Erics own private practice as well as from the counseling of experts and role models, has been delivered via, seminars, and telephone consultation to thousands of men.