The Taimanov Bible Extended and Revised Edition - A Complete Repertoire for Black
We have tried to deliver a user-friendly style that suits all levels of players. Nowadays, chess players are overwhelmed with piles of information and endless databases. It is very difficult to choose "your variations” and therefore this book will surely come as a great additional help.
In addition to the basic Taimanov ideas we had to keep, we followed – in an original manner – our two main concepts: ‘almost never play an early …d6’ (Scheveningen-style) and ‘push …h5 whenever you can’ (Paulsen-style).
We have tried to demonstrate the classic game for the type of positions that occur in the Taimanov, in order to make our readers primarily able to familiarize themselves with the basic motifs and ideas of this Sicilian. When we believed the variations to be sharp and complicated, we have offered two possible continuations.