Web 2.0 a widespread series of developments in the way websites are designed and accessed, and more widely known as social networking sites is a new and exciting way for websites to work. The extent to which Web 2.0 sites (such as Wikipedia, FaceBook, and YouTube) also rely on user-generated content adds to their immediacy, excitement and relevance. Web 2.0 sites do, however, come with their own set of risks risks to users, to their confidential information, and to associated parties. It is not unusual, when technology is evolving so quickly, and is subject to such rapid take up, for such security risks to be bypassed to the detriment of users. This book is probably the first book on this subject to be published; it has its origins in the detailed research which we did into Web 2.0: Trends, Benefits and Risks during Autumn 2008 and provides organisations with core guidance on how to ensure that their websites remain secure and comply with the rapidly evolving regulatory requirements that cover personal data and computer security. Key features of this guide include: * Benefits and risks of Web 2.0 technologies * Making Web 2.0 sites secure * Ensuring Web 2.0 sites are compliant