Screaming to be written for the past fifty years, this small book, "The Cowardly Christian," finally lays things on the line about Christianity and the way many Christians have been conducting themselves in the face of the numerous enemies confronting them, their faith, and the religious institutions representing them. Do not read this book if you are easily offended when your religious beliefs are questioned, or your doctrines are challenged. And, if you are one who believes that Christians must, "turn the other cheek," no matter who attacks your faith, then read this at your own peril, because that false notion (you may have been living with your whole life) is blown to hell in the first few pages of this book. If - and this is a very big if - you have ever thought it might be a good thing if Christians (of all denominations) could somehow find a way to band together, maybe even take on those forces seeking to destroy them and the country allowing them to freely worship their God - then, just maybe, this book is for you. One thing is certain: no one reading TCC is going to stay neutral about its contents. Reader - don your armor.