Medicare's Quality Improvement Organization Program is the second book in
the new Pathways to Quality Health Care series. Focusing on performance
improvement, it considers the history, role, and effectiveness of the Quality
Improvement Organization (QIO) program and its potential to promote
quality improvement within a changing health care delivery environment
that includes standardized performance measures and new data collection
and reporting requirements. This book carefully examines the QIOs that
serve every state as well as the national program that guides and supports
them. In addition, it highlights the important roles that a national program
with private organizations in each state can play in promoting higher quality
care. Medicare's Quality Improvement Organization Program looks closely
at the technical assistance role of the QIO program and the need to
encourage and support providers to improve their performance. By providing
an in-depth assessment of the federal experience with quality improvement
and recommendations for program improvement, this book helps
point the way for those who strive to create higher quality and better value
in health care. Intended for multiple audiences, Medicare's Quality
Improvement Organization Program is essential reading for members of
Congress, the federal executive branch, the QIOs, health care providers and
clinicians, and stakeholder groups.Table of Contents
Front Matter
Part I--Introduction: 1 A Historical Perspective and the Current QIO Program
2 Assessment of the QIO Program: Findings and Conclusions
3 Performance Measurement, Quality Improvement, and Other Entities
4 Improving Quality and Performance Measurement by the QIO Program
5 CMS Oversight of the Operations and Management of the QIO Program
Part II--Introduction: 6 Study Approach
7 Structure and Finances
8 Technical Assistance for Quality Improvement
9 Impact of Technical Assistance for Quality Improvement and Knowledge Transfer
10 Evaluation of Quality Improvement Achieved by the QIO Program
11 Beneficiary Education and Communications
12 Protection of Medicare Beneficiaries and Program Integrity
13 CMS Oversight
Appendix A Supporting Tables
Appendix B Private Sector Organizations Offering Services Related to Quality Improvement
Appendix C Approaches to Evaluation Design
Appendix D Glossary and Acronyms
Appendix E Committee Biographies