The book is in two parts. The first part is composed of 17 ‘love’ letters written by an unemployed man and addressed to a vague entity – the Cultural Rehabilitation. This Cultural Rehabilitation sometimes assumes the abstract and anonymous form of the institution. At other times, it is a female public official with whom the man establishes an erotic understanding. The themes of the letters seem very vague and the reader can’t tell if the letters were ever really exchanged.
What does the sender wish to communicate? He sometimes writes about mental health, or love and disappointment, but also about work and his fragile social identity.
The second part is entitled Circumstances of the Sentence and includes 15 prose passages representing unpredictable little worlds, where sentences can be delirious and irrational, abandoning the world of ordinary syntax and evoking unexpected aspects of reality.
The book has been translated from Italian into English by Sara Elena Rossetti and edited by Philip Terry.