Möjligheten till individuella klagomål ger slagkraft åt en konvention om mänskliga rättigheter. Denna bok tar upp hur individuella klagomål under the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights hanteras av the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights. Den Afrikanska kommissionen har stött på avsevärda procedurproblem i sina ansträngningar att genomdriva stadgans rättigheter och friheter. Dessa problem har numera till största delen lösts, ofta på ett uppfinningsrikt och originellt sätt. I boken behandlas en del av problemen liksom de lösningar som den Afrikanska kommissionen har kommit fram till.
Vidare undersöks domstolarnas faktiska roll i de afrikanska staterna, som den framstår enligt de klagomål som lämnats in till kommissionen, liksom domstolarnas önskvärda roll enligt den Afrikanska kommissionens uppfattning.
The possibility of individual complaints gives teeth to a human rights convention. This book concerns the way in which individual communications under the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights are handled by the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights. The African Commission has faced considerable procedural problems in its effort to enforce the rights and freedoms of the Charter. These problems by now have been mostly solved, often in imaginative and original ways. This book takes up some of the problems as well as the solutions found by the African Commission.
The actual role of the courts in the African states, as it appears from the communications submitted to the Commission, as well as the desired role of the judiciary in the view of the African Commission is also explored.