The Complete A**hole Dad - Random Musings of an Inappropriate Parent
Dan Indante is an asshole. He also happens to be a father. In this hilarious, often touching, book, Indante gives the advice every parent secretly wants to hear: how to be an asshole, without truly screwing up your kids. The Baby Boomers had Dr. Spock, the Millennials are now stuck with The Complete A**Hole Dad, a viciously hysterical commentary on the state of parenting in the twenty-first century. Author Dan Indante, coauthor of the bestselling Complete A**Hole's Guide to Handling Chicks, has grown up and focused his sarcastic wit on the nearest and most innocent target--his children. Indante walks through nearly one hundred stories of his own parental incompetence while skewering the even greater incompetence of every father he's had the misfortune of coming across at PTA meetings, Little League baseball games, and tequila-fueled six year olds' birthday parties.