Curious to delve into the world of edible flowers? Flowers on a plate offers information and ideas for using edible flowers in the kitchen. The recipes from breakfast to dinner without forgetting dessert are simple enough for anyone to follow at home. A palette of floral fla-vours adds a twist to recipes that are based on classic French cuisine. The creators have turned to abundant Parisian flower markets for visual inspiration.
Ina Niiniketo is a chef and mother of two living in Stockholm. Working in her dream job since the age of 16, Niiniketo graduated from Perho Culinary College in Helsinki in 2011. With a background ranging from bistros to Michelin-rated restaurants, Ina is passionate about intense flavours and using the best possible ingredients in season. Her unique dishes stem from a love of timeless Parisian elegance and Japanese and Nordic minimalism.
The book was photographed by Stockholm-based Johanna Nordqvist. She received her first camera at the age of fifteen and has studied photography at Fotoskolan STHLM since 2018. Instead of over-the-top planning, she prefers to give space for creativity. Johanna also has ten years of experience as a headwaiter.
The duo became friends while working together at a restaurant in Stockholm.