This book begins with an introduction which delves into the subject of research methodology. The second chapter provides information on data collection, followed by an in-depth discussion of sampling techniques in the third chapter. The fourth chapter covers sample size calculation, while the fifth chapter delves into the basic concepts of probability. In the sixth chapter, hypothesis formulation is thoroughly examined. The seventh chapter offers valuable insights on how to write a research proposal or project, including an example for reference. The eighth chapter discusses the process of writing a scientific research paper, as well as how to write a review paper, and various methods for presenting research findings through oral and poster presentations, while also addressing ethical considerations in research.
At the end of the book, common misused words are identified and discussed. The ninth chapter focuses on data presentation methods using tables, graphs, and figures. The tenth and final chapter serves as a comprehensive bibliography, providing further reading suggestions for interested readers.
This book is specifically designed to meet the needs of students pursuing research methodology at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Additionally, it will be a useful resource for researchers seeking a foundational understanding of research methods. The methods outlined in this book have been structured in a user-friendly manner, making it accessible and beneficial to general readers as well.