As the sophistication of computer-based drawing and painting programs has increased in recent years, the popularity of fantasy art has grown and been taken up by a wider audience. Produced in association with brand-leading magazine ImagineFX, this book instructs readers on a step-by-step basis how to produce top quality digital fantasy images in a variety of styles from manga to gothic. With reference to a small number of creative painting programs (including Photoshop, Illustrator and Corel Painter) which are world standard and suitable for Macintosh and PC, the book explains in plain language, and with the help of step-by-step screen grabs, how to progress from basic 'pencil' roughs to first stage line art and ultimately finished colour art. Included are a gallery of FXpose images by 'Fantasy Masters' such as Alan Lee, Todd Lockwood, Jim Burns, Linda Begkvist and many more. The book also targets specific aspects of art creation, including making your characters lifelike, creating scenes as diverse as manga and fairy woodlands, 3D imagery, speed painting, producing oil, watercolour and other effects