Algebras and Modules, Volume 1 - Workshop on Representations of Algebras and Related Topics, July 29-August 3, 1996, Trondheim,
This volume contains recent results on geometric aspects of representations of algebras, a thorough treatment of the theory of quasitilted algebras, new developments on infinite dimensional representations of finite dimensional algebras, a bridge between representation of algebraic groups and representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, and recent discoveries on modular representation theory. In addition, the volume contains two papers devoted to some of Maurice Auslander's many contributions both in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras and in commutative ring theory.The invited contributions to this volume are based on lectures given by leading researchers in the field at the Workshop on Representations of Algebras and Related Topics, Trondheim, Norway. It features: a unique collection of survey papers containing old and new developments in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras and related topics; an outstanding source for examples of different techniques developed in recent years in this area of research; papers presented with emphasis on clarity and readability; and a general background in noncommutative algebra including rings, modules and homological algebra is required. Given that, parts of this volume would be suitable as a textbook for an advanced graduate course in algebra.