The Second ICRP Symposium on the International System of Radiological Protection was held in Abu Dhabi in the UAE on October 22–24, 2013. There were nearly 300 registered participants from 37. The papers in this publication represent a cross-section of the subjects presented during ICRP 2013. In addition to a session providing an overview of the work of ICRP, five topical sessions were held on high-priority issues in radiological protection: tissue reactions, advances in recovery preparedness and response following Fukushima, NORM issues in the real world, the role of the ICRP in medicine and work being carried out by the ICRP on environmental radiation protection.
These papers are not recommendations of ICRP and do not necessarily represent the views of ICRP; they are the work of the individual authors. This publication was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.