5 Simple Steps to Releasing the Real You - How to become Confident, Happy and Fulfilled
Have you tried lots of different diets, or even repeated the same diet over again? Do you know what you "should" be doing, but can't seem to do it consistently? If you're frustrated with dieting, and it's now starting to affect your confidence, self-esteem, health and happiness, then this book is for you. In her book 5 Simple Steps to Releasing the Real You, Anne Iarchy explains why following a specific diet, is not enough to achieve weight loss, become confident, happy and fulfilled. There's more to "eat less, and move more" that traditional diets don't cover. The book will make you work through lots of questions that will uncover why you're stuck, and how you can build a solid basis and plan that fits within your busy life, to release the real you and become confident, happy and fulfilled.